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We all have questions about death, but to answer these questions, we need to go to Scripture. There we can find truth about death & dying; truth that we can stake our lives on. We often avoid the subject, but we actually need a robust doctrinal stance on death & dying for us to be able to live for the Lord as we live in this world, and to keep us from believing and behaving as the world does regarding death & dying. 

In this teaching series, you will be provided with sound, practical, and biblical guidance to give you a better grasp on Scripture’s testimony about death & dying, which in turn can help you —and help you help others — to face the last enemy (death). Topics include: “What is death?”, “What happens after death?”, “How do I face the death of others and help the dying & grieving?”, “How do I prepare for death?”, and “What does the Bible say about the resurrection, final judgement, heaven & hell?” 

This will be an interactive time of watching a short teaching video and then discussing the content (and related rabbit trails).

Last class will be April 2, 2025.